Invitamos a los socios a participar de la Asamblea Anual Ordinaria de REDBIO Argentina Asociación Civil, que se realizará el 31 de Mayo a las 16:00 en los salones de la Fundación Pablo Cassará, Av. De Mayo 1917, CABA. Para ver el orden del día, acceda al link.


Invitamos a nuestros socios a mantener sus cuotas al día. El valor actual de $ 600 (categoría Profesional) o $450 (categoría Estudiante de grado y post-grado)  se mantendrá hasta el 31 de Junio.

Les recordamos que lo pueden pagar por transferencia bancaria o por Mercado Pago.

La información completa se encuentra en nuestro sitio (

X Encuentro Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Biotecnología Agropecuaria y XII Simposio REDBIO Argentina

Los invitamos a participar del X Encuentro Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Biotecnología Agropecuaria y XII Simposio REDBIO Argentina.  El mismo se realizará del 12 al 15 de noviembre de 2019 en Montevideo, Uruguay.

Para más información visitar el sitio


International Congress on Plant Science and Molecular Biology

21-23 October, 2019. Rome, Italy

 The aim of this conference is to learn and share knowledge in Plant Science and Molecular Biology Research. Leading World Scientists, Researchers, Professors, Students and other professionals gather at Rome to speak at our ICP-2019. 

For more details on scientific sessions and abstract submission, please visit:  

4th Edition of Global Conference on Plant Science and Molecular Biology (GPMB 2019)

September 19-21, 2019. UK, London.

 The purpose of this Plant Science conference is to share knowledge with all those whose interests lie in the stream of Plant Science and Molecular Biology. The conference will include diverse scientific sessions talking about the theme “To Unfold the Hidden Secrets of Plant Science and Molecular Biology for Better Now and Future.”

For more details:

Global Biotechnology Congress 2019

September 3rd -5th. Boston, USA

This unique international conference provides a platform for researchers and decision makers in biotechnology to present their latest findings and learn about all the important developments in biotechnology. Many Nobel Laureates and world’s renowned experts will participate in the conference. 

Lectures and presentations at this conference will focus on the current state of developments and new challenges in the field, providing opportunities for young researchers for their professional development.

 For more details and registration, please email us or visit  

12th World congress on Plant Biotechnology & Agriculture 

June 12-13, 2019. Prague, Czech Republic.

 The overall theme of the conference is “Exceeding The Vision Towards a Sustainable Agriculture”. Agri world 2019 will provide a platform for researchers, scientists, and all other professionals to discuss the current situation, challenges and advancements relating to agriculture and its relevant areas. The conference enables researchers to share experience and best practices on their work to promote greater participation.

 Note: Free Speaker registration based on selected abstracts & affiliation. So confirm your participation ASAP

For more:

-5th International congress and Expo on Biotechnology and Bioengineering

June 17-18, 2019 at London, UK.

This meeting is a part of series of conferences organized by Scientific Federation, is expert-driven and is initiated to organize and facilitate proficient and international scientific conferences worldwide with associating the world class researchers.

This Meeting will be a great occasion for discussions of previous, present, and future research on “Biotechnology and Bioengineering”. It will provide an exciting scientific program, which will cover all aspects from the basics to their applications. It will be a great forum for students, postdoctoral fellows and established scientists from different countries to exchange ideas, and to broaden their knowledge. It will be an excellent occasion to meet researchers from around the world, widen professional contact and create new opportunities, including establishing new collaborations.

For further information:

IUFRO Tree Biotechnology 2019

23-28 June. Raleigh, NC, USA

The IUFRO Tree Biotechnology Meeting is the premier biennial international event focused on molecular biology, genetics, genomics and propagation technologies for forest trees. Now in its 34th year, the 2019 meeting will be an opportunity for the international community of researchers in forest tree biotechnology to gather to learn of new methods, hear about research advances, and consider the ways in which these tools and discoveries can be used to help forests adjust to the changing world we share. This is also the biennial meeting of IUFRO Working Party 2.04.06 (Molecular Biology of Forest Trees).

For further information:




 5 y 6 de JUNIO. Parque tecnológico Miguelete, INTI, Buenos Aires.

La Fundación Saber Cómo, el Centro de Biotecnología Industrial del Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial (INTI) y el Centro Internacional de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología (ICGEB) invitan a participar del Seminario sobre “Biotecnología Industrial de Proteínas” que se llevará a cabo los días 5 y 6 de junio de 2019 en el Parque Tecnológico Miguelete del INTI (PTM), Buenos Aires, Argentina.

 Miércoles 5 de junio de 8:00 a 17:00 hs.

 Jueves 6 de junio de 8:00 a 13 hs.

Gratuito con Inscripción on-line. Para más información:

CABANA Wokshop: Genomic Analysis of Crop Biodiversity using R

25-28 June 2019. LANGEBIO, Cinvestav, Libramiento Norte Carretera Leon Km 9.6, Irapuato,  GUA, 36821, México.

This course will provide training on using R in genomics applications for crop biodiversity. The first day will cover the basics of biodiversity and R, before analyzing various genomes to assess biodiversity. This will include hierarchical clustering, correlating

genomic data with geographic and phenotypic information and investigating gene-phenotype relationships and microsatellites. This course will use genomic data of wheat, maize and chilli pepper as training datasets throughout the week.

This course will be jointly taught by Octavio Martinez de la Vega (LANGEBIO, Cinvestav) and Manuel Humberto Reyes-Valdes (UAAAN).

Deadline for Applications: 28 May 2019 at 10:00 BST

Registration fee: $700 MXN

Registration Link:

For more information please visit:

CABANA Workshop: Genotyping by Sequencing Applied to Plant Breeding

University of Costa Rica (UCR), 6th August 2019

This workshop will provide training around the experimental design and multiple applications of Genotyping by Sequencing (GBS) in plants. In addition, detailed computational analysis of GBS data and resources will be explored.

For more information please visit: